Saturday, March 19, 2011

Two Toxic Food Ingredients That Damage the Brain

By Will H Stewart

Does the food that you eat affect your brain? You bet it does! The brain is the most sensitive organ in the body and it responds immediately to any insults. Unfortunately, the insults I am referring to are not just verbal. Insults can range from not getting enough sleep at night, drinking a soft drink filled with High Fructose Corn Syrup, eating conventionally grown strawberries to fighting with our spouse/boss/children/friends/etc.

Save your brain, people and stop insulting it by doing things that are controllable. The biggest being the food that you eat everyday.

Toxic foods are the some of the biggest insults to our brains, and there are two that are more than likely lurking in your kitchen now. If so, go throw them away! They are:


This little chemical is now produced by the BILLIONS of pounds of which 66 pounds per year are consumed per person. This form of sugar is much sweeter than sugar but the side effects are that it increases appetite, promotes obesity and is more addictive than cocaine. It is the main form of sweetener in all processed and junk foods. It's in mostly everything, so check the ingredients! This little chemical can lead to diabetes and an inflamed brain. If you are not convinced yet one more interesting fact is that sugar and HFCS causes crusting in your brain just like a creme brule' or crispy chicken skin. It does this because the sugar in these foods react with proteins in the body that form plaques called Advanced Gylcation End Products. This plaque gunks up your brain, damaging most cells and tissues.


These trans fats that are man-made and are in most processed foods, baked goods, fried foods, margarine, etc. Because of they way they are created and are molecularly unstable, they cause anything from increased body inflammation to interrupting basic brain functions.

So what are you waiting for? Any questions about products with HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP or TRANS/HYDROGENATED FATS? Basically, they are bad! Unfortunately, more and more information is coming out these days about each and it's effects on the body and NONE have had a glowing review.

So what's the solution? Eat more organic fruits and vegetables to start with. Try two pounds of veggies and 4 servings of fruit per day. Not only will your brain thank you but you will probably shed a few pounds!

Happy Eating!

Article Source:

Soybeans May Be Harming Your Health

By Jack Artha

Soybeans are generally viewed as "healthy" food. They have even been touted as a "superfood" and the "ultimate source of protein" without the health risks of saturated fat contained in meat. Because of this, many people have been consuming soybean products without a second thought about how it can affect their health. Some even think choosing soybeans over meat is beneficial to their health. Unfortunately, it is not true. In truth, these people may be causing themselves more harm. Soybeans as a healthy food are just a result of a "successful" marketing strategy by the multi-billion dollar soybean industry.

Let me start with the history of soybeans. History tells us that soybeans are not something we should be eating; it is not even a food. Though soy was first discovered in China some time during the Chou Dynasty, the Chinese did not eat soybeans until they developed the process to ferment them. The reason is unfermented soybeans contain large quantities of natural toxins.

The problem today is that unfermented soybean products such as tofu and soymilk are considered healthy and form a big part of our modern diet. There is also "healthy" baby food made from unfermented soybeans. In other words, what was not even considered as food in the distant past is today considered safe enough to eat. Here are some reasons why consuming unfermented soybeans are bad for your health.

  • Soybeans contain growth depressants such as trypsin and haemagglutinin. As such, growing children should never be fed unfermented soybean products. There is no such concern for fermented soybean products, though, since the depressants are deactivated during fermentation.
  • Soybeans are high in phytic acid, which blocks the absorption of essential minerals such as zinc and magnesium. This is why vegetarians who rely on soybeans for their protein source often have zinc and magnesium deficiencies. This can result in muscle weakness, fatigue or slow cell growth. However, a long fermentation period can reduce the level of phytic acids in soybeans.
  • Soybeans contain goitrogens, a chemical that suppresses thyroid functions. When thyroid function is reduced, weight gain comes easily, making losing weight all the more difficult. Being overweight or obese can lead to hypertension, heart attacks and other related problems.
  • Most soybeans now are genetically modified. Not only that, the farming process also uses extensive pesticides to enhance their production output since soybean consumption is very high and thus a large output is necessary to meet the demand. All these mean that soybeans are highly contaminated with pesticides, which can cause cancer, among other diseases, in the human body. Even worse, fermentation does not in any way reduce the level of pesticide contamination.
  • Soybeans contain phytoestrogens, which elevate the level of estrogen in men and women. Elevated estrogen generally means more fat storage in your buttocks and thighs. In women, elevated estrogen levels can disrupt the menopause cycle. In men, the effect is reduced sperm and testosterone production, as well as the development of fat in your chest, resulting in larger breasts (commonly known as "man boobs"). Basically, elevated estrogen in men means reduced masculinity.

But should we avoid all soybean products? Unfermented soybean products like tofu and soy milk should be avoided at all cost if you really want to lose fat and live healthily. Fermented soybean products, such as tempeh and miso, are fine if consumed moderately. However, for children, it is best to avoid all soybean products.

Jack Artha is a Singapore-based Certified Personal Trainer, specialized in natural fat loss, at-home cellulite reduction, posture improvement, and total wellness. He is known for guiding his clients to achieve their fitness goals as well as transforming their lives to healthy lifestyle.

Article Source:

Monday, March 8, 2010

Time Your Eating to Maximise Performance For a Sport

By James Redwood

When exercising it is important to have all the energy that you need for your session, and we can often be tempted to eat just before hand if we are feeling peckish. Eating immediately before doing exercise is not healthy as it will not provide the body with the full energy gained from this food. And an athlete must have energy that equals what he consumes before and during his exercise. The most important source of fuel for muscles is carbohydrates that is stored in the form of glycogen. That's why you should eat after doing exercise to be good during the next session.

You should eat before you exercise by about 1 to 4 hours (The ideal time to get your meal fully digested) and it depends on the nature of your meal. Exercising on a full stomach is really bad as you will feel nausea and cramping and other stomach symptoms. If you push yourself hard, your body will even make you vomit, as the energy your stomach needs is binge diverted to your exhausted muscles. If you have an early exercise or race, you should get up early to get your pre exercise meal. If you were late you should drink something that gives you energy because drinking is easier for the stomach to digest. It will take about 20 to 30 minutes. But don't ever eat or drink just before your exercise.

Glucose is the best energy source for human body, so you must include rich carbohydrates food in your meal and it must be easily digested, such as: breads, fruits, pasta and drinks. Sometimes eating sugar (glucose) 30 minutes before exercise is very helpful but it varies from one to another, so you should experiment with it by yourself because sometimes the sudden increase in blood glucose has a bad effect on the performance, that's why you should find out what works for you.

Caffeine is great because it is a powerful stimulant for the Central nervous system. So drinking coffee or one of the many energy drinks on the market is useful before the exercise. Although caffeine is again dependant on the individual and has many dramatic side effects for some. There are some people that are sensitive to caffeine and can experience these side effects such as: headache, nausea and muscle tremors. Also excessive caffeine has strong diuretic effect that may cause dehydration which will decrease your performance.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Good Fats Vs Bad Fats - What You Should Know

By Jonnie Blaylock

Most people today who wish to lose weight resort to paying close attention to their daily meals. First on the list of the things they avoid is fat. For many people, the assumption on nutrition is simple - if you're trying to reduce the size of your belly you should avoid eating meals that contain fat. This is not true. Although few people realize this, removing this from your diet can result in many unhealthy side effects.

Just like other nutrients, our body requires a daily intake of fats in order to function effectively. Amongst many other roles, fats are required for the maintenance of our body cells and is utilized in the transmissions of signals through our nerves as well as the absorption of nutrients. Avoiding them is therefore a big mistake.

The problem with a person's dietary needs is not the fact that fat is included in a diet but more on the type that is found in the diet. Simply put there are two types of fats that can be found: good and bad fat. Like the name suggests eating meals that contain good fat is important in order to stay healthy whilst foods that contain bad types are bad and unhealthy for you sometimes resulting in heart diseases, possible cancer and annoying weight gain.

Instead of avoiding fat, a better approach to losing weight is to study and learn the differences between these two groups. By being able to recognize what these various meals are, you will be able to ensure a more balanced and healthier diet.

The Good Fats
So what are good fats? Good fats are meals which are high in unsaturated fats. These might be either monounsaturated fats or polyunsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fat is vital to healthy human growth. Its presence reduces the amount of bad cholesterol found in the body whilst increasing the levels of good cholesterol (yes there is a difference).

Regardless of the type of unsaturated fats, both provide a wide range of health benefits. Monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) while increasing HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol). Polyunsaturated fats are also found to perform similar actions.

Some good sources of polyunsaturated fats include vegetable oils and sea foods. These fats are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which greatly reduce the risk of person developing heat conditions amongst others. Sea foods such as salmon, mackerels and catfish are very rich sources of this.

Monounsaturated are just as important. They can usually be identified by their tendency to solidify when cooled. Examples of these include nuts such as cashews, walnuts, hazel nuts and peanuts. Monounsaturated fats are also very good oxidants and a rich source of vitamin E.

The Bad Fats
On the other side of the health scale are the unwanted fats. The kind known as saturated fats. It is these that are responsible for the increase of negative cholesterol levels. People who eat these types of meals will not only tend to gain fat at a much faster rate, they also will increase their risk of developing heart conditions and diseases.

Examples of saturated fats include meals such as meat, dairy, eggs and sea food. Alongside these animal products, saturated fats can also be found in plant produces such as coconut oil, eggs, meat, palm kernel and some sea foods. If you plan on losing weight or burning fat then you will need to reduce the amount of these fats that you consume. Saturated fats are dense in calories and thus provide people with fat more than they require.

There are various ways of limiting the amount of bad fats in your diet. You could substitute oils that are high in saturated fats when cooking for those that have low fat contents. Instead of using coconut oil or palm oil you can instead cook your meals with olive oil or canola oil. You should also opt for dairy product with low fat content. This will reduce the amount of unsaturated fat which you consume in your diet daily.

One way of identifying the type of cooking oil which you are using is to read the writing on the packaging. Most companies will let you know exactly what type of fats are contained within.

Finally, it is a good idea to avoid eating junk meals that have been fried or produced with saturated fats. Chips and chocolates for instance might be appealing, but they contain a high concentration of these negative fats.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Do You Know How Important Dietary Nutrition Is?

A poor diet can have serious implications to the health on an individual, with the possibility of deficiency diseases developing over time. This is why dietary nutrition is important to each and every person, especially those involved in strenuous activities.

The key factor to remember is that dietary nutrition is a combination of several nutrients that are essential to keeping the body in optimum form and ensuring that all bodily functions happen without causing any complications. Chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular deficiencies, as well as obesity, are the result of a lack of proper nutrition.

As part of a balanced diet, the following nutrients play an essential part in daily life: carbohydrates, fats, minerals, protein, vitamin and water. All the nutrients are required by the body in a balance, as too much of one or too little of the other can cause health problems.

Carbohydrates are the energy-providers, readily absorbing in the blood and contributing to the sugar level. However, in terms of dietary nutrition, they are not essential to the human diet as the content of vitamins and minerals is quite low. However, having enough fiber as part of dietary nutrition is good for the digestion system in the body, helping to reduce the chances of constipation and diarrhea.

The fast food generation has developed a taste for fatty solids, which play havoc with an individual's dietary nutrition. While certain fats are good, like omega-3 and omega-6 found in fish, most fats are detrimental to health and over time can cause serious complications in the body. Fats have been attributed with heart conditions, obesity, variations in cholesterol levels and many other health problems.

A key component of dietary nutrition is protein and calcium. Referred to as the building blocks of the body, protein and calcium keep the bones strong and help in body growth. White meat, like chicken and fish, are high in protein and should form an important part of any diet. Similarly, milk and cheese can help in ensuring your body is strong to face up to the demands of the world, as well as strengthen your immune system.

The importance of dietary nutrition lies in understanding what each nutrient does for your body and how it can play an essential part in maintaining an active lifestyle. Additionally, having a balanced diet that is a combination of all necessary nutrients can help avoid life-threatening diseases and help towards a longer, healthier life.

Dietary nutrition information has become a big part of daily life, with restaurants and food outlets having to display the details so that customers can make a better choice of what they plan to eat. So, learn about the essential nutrients that your body needs, and use the dietary nutrition information to make a better lifestyle choice by improving your health.

Christine Crotts enjoys searching through garage sales for unique gems and jewelry. Christine has written a site containing reviews on gold cross necklace, as well as 14k gold cross necklace.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Athletic Nutrition

By Tina Avon

When it comes to training and sports healthy eating habits are a must. Proper athletic nutrition is crucial to give you that boost of energy you will need to get you through those intense training sessions.

Indeed, one of the most important aspects of training and keeping at a healthy weight is to take an honest, harsh look at what you put in your mouth. Regardless of whether you are training 1 hour per day or 10 hours per day, the quality of the foods you eat are going to go a long way in either boosting your training sessions or bringing them crashing down on you.

Medical science has proven that one of the most significant health indicators is the food that we eat and athletes need to be hyper vigilant about this. While you are working out, you lose minerals and this is normal - however, it is crucial to replace those minerals with a healthy diet. If you do not eat well, you will find yourself either being very sluggish and tired all the time or you might end up wondering why on earth you are not gaining/losing weight as you should be and the answer is in the foods that you consume.

While it was believed that athletes needed to eat more fats than "usual" people, this has now been disputed. As a matter of fact, athletes should be eating a combination of healthy carbs (such as grains) and protein as well as minimal fats.

It is also important to eat your meals at strategic times. If you like to train in the mornings, then you should eat some light fruit and perhaps an ounce or two of nuts to get you through your morning session. After you have finished the workout, make sure to eat within two hours. Your body is still in "burning" mode and will easily process a healthy breakfast. It is imperative that you eat breakfast each morning - do not skip this important meal.

If you work out at lunch or later, then consider eating a small, light meal approximately 1 hour before you go for your workout - this should be light and considered a "mini" meal. The goal is to give you the energy that you will need for the workout - without making you feel full. Once the workout is completed, you should have your meal - remember that you should be having a healthy meal and this meal should not be too close to your sleep time. Your body needs time to digest.

For many people, eating more small meals during the day makes a lot of sense. As long as it is healthy stuff! Finally, don't forget to drink as much water as possible - water cleans out your body and removes the toxins that can make you ill.

Tina Avon

Do High Protein Diets Help You Lose More Fat or Body Weight?

If I ask you how what percent of your diet at the moment is carbs, proteins and fats, could you answer within a 25% confidence interval? Most people just eat and forget. When all it takes is a few days of tracking your daily intake and you will know more than 99% of the population. Protein is essential in your diet, but is not the be all and end all.

Diets are made up of all different percentages based upon certain factors such as your goals, your current weight, your budget, your level of ignorance, your willpower etc etc.
Example: If you wanted to lose weight, you would go on a diet high in proteins, low in carbs, eat some beans to get a good enough caloric intake so that you won't get tired, but also eat a lot of fats.

People wonder about this and always think it is a mistake or a typo.

'It is neither.

We need to eat healthy fats to lose weight.

A diet should be based around a high percentage protein, medium percentage healthy fats and low percent carbs.

Proteins are chicken, lean meats, eggs, beef, turkey etc Carbs are bread, pasta, rice, fruit drinks, puddings etc Fats are avocados, eggs, e.v olive oil, fish, most meats

A diet like this will leave you lacking in energy if you cut out all the carbohydrates such as bread and pasta, rice, puddings so...

Eat some legumes in each meal!

This is the meal plan used by most intense bodybuilders, if you can stand eating the same things over and over again.

One day a week (I prefer Sat) it is advisable to eat all the carbs you want to stop your body

adjusting to the diet.

Johnny Palmer is a fitness fanatic and practices what he preaches. He stays in great shape all year round and helps people get abs, build muscle, lose body fat and maintain a sexy figure, no matter what their current weight/shape.